"from south to north travelled slaves and from north to south the merchandise wherewith to purchase them: amber beads ; tin in small bars ; coral beads ; carnelian ditto ; false carnelian ditto ; beads of Venice ; agate ; rings ; silver and brass for the ankles and wrists ; carpets, small ; blue cotton cloths of Egyptian fabric, white cotton ditto ; Indian muslin and cottons ; blue and white clothes of Egypt called Meyales ; sword blades ; straight (German) from Kahira ; small looking-glasses ; copper face-pieces or defensive armour for the horses ; kohhel for the eyes ; coffee ; silk, unwrought ; wire, brass and iron ; small red caps of Barbary ; light French cloths made into Benishes ; silk and cotton pieces of Aleppo ; shoes of red leather ; black pepper ; soaps of Syria ; ivory; horns of rhinoceros ; teeth of the hippopotamus ; ostrich feathers ; gum ; pimento ; tamarinds made into round cakes ; perroquets in abundance and some monkeys and Guinea fowl ; copper, white in small quantity"