ORAL.pub publishes poetry/art made for and inseparable from the web.

ORAL.pub sites take advantage of their medium; their modes of interaction are meaningful and often defy our internet instincts.

ORAL.pub sites are often translated or multilingual.

[ORAL.pub Recs 2025]

More Info;;; Links;;; Submit;;; IG;;; Email;;;
Founded in 2016, ORAL.pub was on hiatus from 2020-2022. During its first years, ORAL.pub was based in Mexico, and all sites were available in both English and Spanish. Now based in New York and Bremen, we still emphasize careful translation, but welcome all languages (and have resigned ourselves to centralizing English).

ORAL.pub likes sites as communication-desperate, hypersensitive, and necessary as mouths… sites spiritually aligned with their medium (the web), which, like oral storytelling and oral sex, fundamentally (in its bones) refuses stable structures of power. We want web spaces that surprise and destabilize us into thought/feeling, whether with the simplest HTML/CSS or the newest tech tricks. We publish more poets/artists who learn to code than coders who learn to poet/art.

Personal websites (etc.) of artists-poets-ish who’ve contributed to ORAL.pub: Joseph Buckley, Kevin Cadena, Camila Cañeque, Sally, Qianxun Chen, Martha Daghlian, Bruno Darío, Mabe Fratti, Amaury Acosta Gutierrez, Gwen Harper, Fox Hysen, James Irwin, David L. Johnson, Eli Payne Mandel, Jonathan Mildenberg, Virginia L. Montgomery, Sawako Nakayasu, Mariana Roa Oliva, Frida Robles, Jorge Rodriguez Solorzano, Kit Schluter, Shanshan, Shelby Shaw, Pablo Somonte Ruano, Issa Tellez, Lee Tusman, Theadora Walsh, and Jody Zellen.

Our editorial team includes former contributor Pablo Somonte Ruano, former contributor Sally, Qianxun Chen, and founding director Theo Ellin Ballew. Rodrigo Echeverria (corpORAL director emeritus) and Maddie Butler (artistic director emeritus) were heavily involved in the first years, and many others helped massively with events and IG, including Aleph Escobedo, Sophie Swanson, and Lourdes Martínez. Please feel free to check out our old website (which physically emphasized bilinguality).

Through 2020, ORAL.pub websites were made by/with friends, many of whom Theo helped with code or paired with another coder. In those days, sites were also brought into physical sites for ⟨corp⟩ORAL exhibition-parties. ORAL.pub now welcomes submissions of near-complete sites on a rolling basis, announcing on IG when submissions will be reviewed.

Email us with questions/comments/recs or if you'd like to get involved.
Works in this genre that we especially admire and/or have loved and/or would have published—including some classics:

Mouchette - Martine Neddam, 1996; Superbad - Ben Benjamin, 1997; Brandon - Shu Lea Cheang, 1998; GeoGoo - JODI, 2008; Your World of Text - Andrew Badr, 2009; Sea and Spar Between - Nick Montfort and Stephanie Strickland, 2010; Four Guillemets - Loss Pequeño Glazier, 2012; Summer - Olia Lialina, 2013; How to Speak Atlantean - Porpentine Charity Heartscape, 2013; The Readers Project - John Cayley and Daniel C. Howe, 2013; Surfacing - Nicole Starosielski, 2016; Black Room - Cassie McQuater, 2017; 17776 - Jon Bois, 2017; StoryFace - Serge Bouchardon, 2018; On the Apparently Meaningless Texture of Noise - Pedro Oliviera, 2019; The Poem that Crossed the Atlantic - Maria Mencia, 2019; Alibi - Ryan Kuo and Tiago de Abreu Pinto, 2019; The Soft Rumor of Spreading Weeds - Porpentine Charity Heartscape, 2019; Bog - First Edition - Eilidh Nuala Duffy; New York Apartment - Tega Brain and Sam Levigne, 2020; Get Well Soon - Tega Brain and Sam Levigne, 2020; Reconstructions - Allison Parrish, 2020; The United States - Joe Davies, 2020; Seedlings - Qianxun Chen & Mariana Roa Oliva, 2021; i have too much to hide - Benjamin Krusling, 2021; OK2: Whiteness Sequencer - Ryan Kuo, 2021; Yacht Metaphor - Cory in the Abyss/Jenson Leonard, 2021; REDES: bread and justice, peaches and bananas - Camila Galaz, 2021; Shapes of Sex - Nahee Kim, 2021; This Adventure is Neverending - Eva Macali, 2021; Looted - American Artist, 2021; Catch the Moonlight by the Tail - Uma Breakdown, 2021; Respawn - Hannah Jenkins, 2022; The Barnacle Goose Experiment - Everest Pipkin, 2022; Concrete Form - Chia Amisola, 2023; Intimate Codex - Andy Wallace, 2023; Avenge Her at All Costs - Lara Fielding (La), 2023

External Pages is a sister/sibling project. We love what they put into the world!!

Mina Amiri Kalvøy
Code by David Barriga Ruano
Ed. 12;;; Winter 2024

[Norsk] Jakten på selvet [ENG] Quest for the Self

Ash Eliza Smith, Sam Bendix and Daniel Lichtman
Ed. 12;;; Winter 2024

[ENG] In the Middle of It

Jeanyoon Choi
Ed. 12;;; Winter 2024

[한국어] 레지스트레이션
[ENG] Registration

Sawako Nakayasu
Ed. 11;;; Summer 2024

[ENG] Invisible Loss

Martha Daghlian
Code by Ním Daghlian
Music by Drew McIntyre
Ed. 11;;; Summer 2024

[ENG] A Thousand Circlets

James Irwin
Ed. 11;;; Summer 2024

[ENG] surfacecollider

Jody Zellen
Ed. 10;;; Winter 2023

[ENG] Capturing the City From Every Possible Angle

Kevin Cadena
Ed. 10;;; Winter 2023

[ENG/ESP] Colo-Mito

Shelby Shaw
Ed. 10;;; Winter 2023

[ENG] Fictional Fidelity

Camila Cañeque
Ed. 9;;; Summer 2023

[ENG/ESP] Bach, Bachata

Ed. 9;;; Summer 2023

[中文] Lotus Lake [ENG] trans. Light Liu

Lee Tusman
Ed. 9;;; Summer 2023

[ENG] Exocolony

Bruno Darío
Code by Michel Ortega
Ed. 8;;; Jan 2020

[ESP] Posibilidad de autorretrato de otro [ENG] Trans. Kit Schluter

Jorge Rodriguez Solorzano
Code by Carol Iglesias
Ed. 8;;; Jan 2020

[ESP] Carnicerías fluviales [ENG] Self-translated

Sally, Qianxun Chen
Ed. 8;;; Jan 2020

[ENG] emptype [ESP] trans. Maira Caixeta

Issa Téllez
Code by Gómez Carlos
Ed. 7;;; Nov 2018

[ESP] Peticiones [ENG] trans. Ivonne Gonzalez

Fox Hysen
Ed. 7;;; Nov 2018

[ENG] Shelton, CT A-Z [ESP] trans. anonymous

Amaury Gutiérrez
Ed. 7;;; Nov 2018

[ESP] Nostalgia generativa [ENG] trans. Google

Eli Payne Mandel
Ed. 6;;; Apr 2018

[ENG] Tribes of Eclipse [ESP] trans. Juan Schulz

Frida Robles
Ed. 6;;; Apr 2018

[ESP] Mi tía abuela [ENG] self-translated

Mabe Fratti y Theo Ellin Ballew
Ed. 6;;; Apr 2018

[ENG] Moon Drawn [ESP] trans. Mariana Rodríguez

Pablo Somonte Ruano
Ed. 5;;; Nov 2017

[ESP] Textos Guerreros [ENG] trans. Maya Averbuch

Theadora Walsh
Code by Chris Hong
Ed. 5;;; Nov 2017

[ENG] Mad Am [ESP] trans. Andrea Alzati

Lourdes Martínez
Ed. 5;;; Nov 2017

[ESP] Heterosexualidad desbordada [ENG] trans. Gwen Harper

Gwen Harper
Code by Tim Farnam
Ed. 4;;; July 2017

[ENG] Letters [ESP] trans. Arturo Moreno

Hugo Díaz
Ed. 4;;; July 2017

[nonverbal] Anacronía

Todd Brozman
Ed. 4;;; July 2017

[nonverbal] Piano and Mouth

David L. Johnson
Ed. 3;;; May 2017

[ENG] Tonight [ESP] trans. Mariana Roa Oliva

Jonathan Mildenberg
Ed. 3;;; May 2017

[nonverbal] For David, Year Zero

Lucie Castel y Gabriela Piña
Code by Luis Del Río Franco
Ed. 2;;; Mar 2017

[nonverbal] El aleph

Virginia Lee Montgomery
Code by Zack Schiller
Ed. 2;;; Mar 2017

[ENG] Intern Surprise [decayed] [ESP] trans. Agus Giorgi Games

Joseph Buckley
Ed. 1;;; Feb 2017

[ENG] PINKPANSPERMIA [ESP] trans. Mario Chanona